Monday, February 23, 2015

What Cancer Cannot Do

I got these encouraging words when I had my first chemos in Ochser, Jefferson, Louisiana. The copies were on the sign in desk in the chemo section free for anyone who came there. They are so inspiring I wanna share with you here.

W H A T   C A N C E R    C A N N O T    D O

It cannot cripple Love

It cannot shatter Hope

It cannot corrode Faith

It cannot destroy Peace

It cannot kill Friendship

It cannot suppress Memories

It cannot silence Courage

It cannot invade the Soul

It cannot steal Eternal Life

It cannot conquer the Spirit

- Author Unknown - 


  1. :(((
    Doa gw buat lu Hey... Yg terbaik akan diberikan-Nya buat Ihey, Suami dan anak2 tercinta...

  2. :(((
    Doa gw buat lu Hey... Yg terbaik akan diberikan-Nya buat Ihey, Suami dan anak2 tercinta...

  3. Dear Ihey, May Allah bless you and your family....

  4. Iheyyy....tetap semangat yaaa...semoga segera diberikan thought n prayers are with you...hugs..
